Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ouch! I stubbed my tongue! (8/11/09)

Happens occasionally doesn't it. We open our mouths to utter a witty word or two and we end up with egg on our face. I joke is a slam, an insight is an epitaph or better yet a compliment is a dis.

We can blame these results on a stupid unsophisticated target or we can take credit for our own stupid statements and attitudes. I've noticed that it's easier to blame the listener. As in most of life's realities, it is harder to do the right thing. As ordinary citizens of this great country we usually graciously excuse each other (eventually) for these unintended faux pas but it is not so easy for us to forgive our congressional leaders when they assume a condescending attitude and minimize the value of different ideas, intended or not.

Why is this? Because they are just that. They are our elected representatives and more. More because they have been elevated to a higher political state by their peers or as is the case of the president, circumstance. We have certain expectations of them not in the least being the expectation of respect for their peers and constituents.

Think of today's leaders and decide for yourselves if they represent your expectations of those that have been entrusted with the writing and implementation of the laws that we must obey.