Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Romney's Taxable Patriotism?

Suppose Gov. Romney releases all his income tax returns. And what if the information therein exposes that he has paid an effective rate of 13 or 14 percent. And what if we learn that he achieved this rate by taking advantage of every possible means of reducing his tax burden allowed in the United States tax code even to the extent of depositing money in foreign banks. I say "Way to go!". I will most definitely and with great pride cast my vote for him! By following rational behaviors and being faithful to capitalistic principles he has protected his personal wealth from an irresponsible government that would confiscate said wealth and spend his money in counter productive ways. I suppose some will accuse him of unpatriotic behavior for these acts of economic self defense. I suppose that such an argument exposes the arguers confusion as to what "patriotism" actually is. What it is not is to allow the governing to bleed the governed. It is patriotic to respect, defend, and promote the ideals espoused in our constitution. One of the foundation stones of our constitution is the right to property. We have a right to protect what is ours from the government. Our wealth is our property. It is patriotic to defend our right to our property from a greedy government. Romney's detractors should be asking the bigger question: What economic policies promoted and legislated by the government cause and unintentionally promote a citizen to deposit wealth in a foreign bank? And what are foreign governments doing to attract American deposits to their banks?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Future of Freedom

In light of a considerable voter insurrection resulting in the expelling of more than sixty progressively minded politicians, I should be optimistic. I'm not. Why? Because of the subjugation of two generations of American children to a constant and unrelenting barrage of progressive propaganda. Creating in them a world view that is dismal, fantastical, and irrational.

So why should that cause my consternation? Because of what may become of those retaining such a morose view of their world.

Some will drop out and others will rebel against such a horrific and disconsolate perspective. But many will feel complete and utter resentment toward their country. A country founded on the premise that all are created equal of rights but not equal of results. A country founded on a premise that we are endowed with unalienable rights - granted by the Creator - and guaranteed by the Constitution.

The danger is that when animosity and jealousness morph to rage, then revenge and justice are surely justified and must be extracted from those responsible for creating such an iniquitous world. And what's needed in order to right these misperceived wrongs is to rebel against the establishment and create a new and thereby better and fairer society where equality of results rules and that any acknowledgement of natural law is ignored. And why not when this has been their indoctrination. That the world is composed of victims and victors. That there is never a win win conclusion, only win lose.

So what's the bottom line. I see it as this: the mob will arise and will, in a fiendish frenzy, do anything, no matter how vicious, to punish and put an end to what they perceive as an unfair and discriminating culture. A culture that they believe allows for individual success at the expense of the under-privileged, what they comprehend to be "unfair".

And what will the response to this violence be?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Rise The Fall (to be continued)

My thoughts on the rise and fall of the USA.

The rise: George Washington, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin,

The fall: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ouch! I stubbed my tongue! (8/11/09)

Happens occasionally doesn't it. We open our mouths to utter a witty word or two and we end up with egg on our face. I joke is a slam, an insight is an epitaph or better yet a compliment is a dis.

We can blame these results on a stupid unsophisticated target or we can take credit for our own stupid statements and attitudes. I've noticed that it's easier to blame the listener. As in most of life's realities, it is harder to do the right thing. As ordinary citizens of this great country we usually graciously excuse each other (eventually) for these unintended faux pas but it is not so easy for us to forgive our congressional leaders when they assume a condescending attitude and minimize the value of different ideas, intended or not.

Why is this? Because they are just that. They are our elected representatives and more. More because they have been elevated to a higher political state by their peers or as is the case of the president, circumstance. We have certain expectations of them not in the least being the expectation of respect for their peers and constituents.

Think of today's leaders and decide for yourselves if they represent your expectations of those that have been entrusted with the writing and implementation of the laws that we must obey.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Letter to New Mexico Senator Udall re: Health care

The following is a letter I sent to New Mexico Senator Udall and others.

Senator Tom Udall

I am 64, collect Social Security and neither my wife nor I have health care insurance. I am probably the last person you would expect to be against the proposed Democrat health care proposals but I am.

I am a Viet Nam era vet and I am not rich by any means so I am not one to be accused of hypocrisy.

I believe in people. I am cynical about government and politicians.

If you truly want to pass legislation that will make positive changes in health care insurance and that results in more affordable policies for all Americans and you care about individualism and the "general welfare" of Americans, you will pro-actively support and allow free market solutions to bring about change. Change that results in the ability of policy holders to maintain their policies when they move across state lines and or change jobs. Change that results in legitimate controls over nuisance malpractice lawsuits and unwarranted judgments. Changes in state and federal insurance regulations that are interfering with competition between insurance companies. And last but definitely not least, a "safety net" that provides for first class health care for the truly needy.

The proposed "public insurance option" if instituted will lead to the destruction of private sector companies unless they "play ball" with the federal government. Health care costs will go up or if not that then rationing will occur or a combination of both cost and rationing. Either is undesirable.

And most importantly, how much government control (loss of individual freedom) are you willing to accept?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

America's Health Care in Numbers - eMedicineHealth - Consumer First Aid and Health Information

Please link to the URL that follows for statistics on health care.

If I am reading the statistics on emergency room visits correctly, it appears that only 12 percent of emergency room visits are not actual emergencies. I must admit that I need to dig deeper into the numbers. Please let me know if you have other sources of statistics on emergency room visits. If I am correct and only 12 percent are non-emergency then much of the expected potential savings from the proposed health care reforms currently being considered by the house and senate are probably exaggerated.

America's Health Care in Numbers - eMedicineHealth - Consumer First Aid and Health Information

America's Health Care in Numbers - eMedicineHealth - Consumer First Aid and Health Information

Friday, July 24, 2009

Recipe for hate

Recipe for evil (7/24/2009)

One part victim (Palestinians work well)
One part lie (Palestinians are poor because Jews exist)
One part blame (Americans because they don't hate Jews)

Pre-heat oven to 1000 degrees.

Mix together all ingredients. Blend well.
Knead for a really long time until blame has time to heat from friction.
Place in oven and wait for smoke to rise.
Take from oven and mist with any volatile liquid.

Stand back and enjoy your work

Note: Feel free to use any victim, lie, and blame to create a really hateful outcome.