Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Lobbyist: Friend or Foe?

Do we need lobbyists? Can lobbying be defined as good or bad? Is some good and some bad? Is it in our country's best interest to have lobbyists descending on Washington to make their cases and influence legislators?

In my opinion we do. We need lobbyists because they bring their expertise to the political debate. Let's face it, our legislators don't have the expertise necessary to enable them to make good decisions without the advice of experts from both sides of a debate. Public hearings alone are not sufficient to examine these issues thoroughly. Private face to face meetings are important in communicating ideas.

Can lobbying be defined as good or bad? It depends on the goal of the lobby. Good when special interest groups like the NRA or the Sierra Club argue their points of view and the perceived consequences of the proposed legislation. Bad when the Oil industry or Farmers Union or any other special interest group argues for tax breaks and favors. In other words, good when it is not being done to gain economic advantage.

Under the current income tax structure lobbying is a way for a corporation, private or public, to look out for its interests whether financial or not. Interestingly, this need to lobby could easily be eliminated. The answer is to dramatically change the way governments, at all levels, tax us.

The argument against the lobbying for tax breaks is a strong one that is made in favor of a major change in the way governments raise revenue. The revenue needed in order to exercise their constituted duties. There are interesting ideas on this subject and we should all seriously consider them. A "Fair Tax" of one form or another is one that has gained a large following.

If the current tax code is replaced with a "Fair Tax" or "Flat Tax" there will not be a need for lobbying for tax breaks and favors. None would not be available to give. The power that government has over our lives would be greatly reduced. And best of all the IRS would be out of business!

Please visit these sites for more information on the "Fair Tax" and the "Flat Tax":


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