Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Choose liberty

The government is about to take a giant leap towards socializing one sixth of the economy. What the government controls you don't control. You will have lost one sixth of your freedom. Our children have to live with the decisions that are being made today in Washington. And horrible decisions are being made in the name of progressiveness. Tens and tens of thousands have died to secure the liberty that is now being given away. The graves of martyrs for freedom are being trampled on by today's greedy, self centered, ignorant, uninformed, or misinformed politicians.

And for what? The destruction of a health care system that is without question the greatest in the world.

Every "problem" with what we currently have can be attributed to various laws and regulations instituted by lawmakers. Legislation passed that has regulated portability of health insurance is a prime example. Why can't you buy health insurance for yourself and family and then move to a different state and keep it. This is nuts! Do you know why employer provided health insurance even exists? Because of wage and price controls put in place after WW2. Why? Because employers couldn't attract workers because they couldn't raise pay because of the government imposed wage controls.

Ask yourself one question. Why don't I see a profusion of advertisements for health insurance? Why doesn't Blue Cross advertise for my insurance business? It's because they only have to go to employers for business. Take away the destructibility for employers and employer provided insurance will eventually be a thing of the past. We will, as individuals, shop for and purchase our "portable" insurance that suits our needs. There will be a proliferation of new and innovative health insurance products. Think about it. Think about the kind of health insurance you would like and I guarantee you that an insurance product close to what you want will eventually be available. Believe in people and freedom and what you can do for yourself not what the government can do for you. Support free market solutions not government intervention. Remember, during the American revolution, half the country supported the King of England. Would you have been one of them?

Don't you want to be in charge of your life? Please be proactive and immediately call your congressmen and tell them "Please don't do this. I prefer freedom."

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