Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Healthy as a horse?

Consider this: Why do we need the United States Postal Service? If it did not exist would we not be able to send a letter? No we would not because it is illegal to deliver 1st class mail. But what if that law were rescinded? Would not a clever entrepreneur, or more likely, entrepreneurs step in and hungrily establish letter delivery services for people who need and want and are willing to pay for this service. Witness UPS and other private delivery services. Because there are no prohibitions pertaining to overnight, priority, and ground delivery services of packages they have exploited this market to the benefit of all who need these services. Okay, you say, "What's the problem with things as they are?" Well, there is one problem. You see, these private businesses earn a profit while the government delivery service loses money. Why is that a problem? Because it's your and my money that there losing! Does not that tick you off? At least a little?

So now the same folks who loose money delivering mail (by the way they also lose your and my money running Amtrak, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and while under educating our kids!) now want to run one sixth of our economy by taking over health care. And don't kid yourself. That is the goal. Why? Because they are so very much wiser and smarter than the rest of us.

Keep your fingers crossed (behind your back so they can't see) and hope that they fall flat on their collective face. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Not the land of the subservient and home of the scared. At least I hope so.

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