Monday, July 20, 2009

Don't get me wrong.

Observation - Today's culture seems to appreciate stinginess, self-serving, self-centered, and vengeful behavior. Many seem to look down upon those that espouse and live the opposites.

In their minds, an individual who is generous, other-serving, other-centered, and forgiving is weak, stupid, and foolish.

Unfortunately, the truth be known, there are many who think that way.

They think that generosity is great as long as the goodies are aimed at them. If others benefit then the giver must be weak and must have to buy respect because they're not beautiful enough of rich enough or smart enough to be respected. To them respect is not earned but is the result of circumstance.

They think other-serving behavior is weak because other-serving does not result in any personal gain.

They denigrate other-centered folks because this behavior just does not make sense in this "what's in it for me?"world in which we find ourselves.

As for a forgiving nature the response is that forgiveness is a sign of weakness because we should "get even" not forgive.

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